Butterfly Walk, Doresanipalya Research Station

                                                  A few years ago, some butterfly watchers and scientists came together to form a group, which was christened BBC – Bangalore Butterfly Club. They have been conducting fortnightly walks to create awareness and encourage butterfly watching.

                                                   One such walk was conducted at Doresanipalya Research Station campus by Rohit Girotra. As we walk around, when a butterfly is spotted he not only tells their name, but also lists the uniqueness or commonness. Besides the camera he also has a book and notes down when an unusual one is spotted. All families of butterflies are found here, though the number of species and the count of individuals vary with the season. All life-cycle stages of butterflies, from egg-laying, eggs, caterpillar, pupa, emerging butterfly and adults can be observed.

                                                 On a typical 3-hour walk in the forest, one can easily observe 50+ species of butterflies.
