Puranic stories artwork of light screens in Chennakeshava temple, Belur

                                    Windows which let the light and air into the dark sanctum of the temples were either rectangular or square in the earlier days. Later on they were star or circular shaped. Subsequently, these geometric art works of square, rectangle, star and circular shapes were decorated in the latter Hoysala temples. This part of the architecture to incorporate the decorative figures, resulting in wonderful architectural Jalandhars reached its zenith at Belur temples. The actual window panel consists of two shells with rich profiled—reminiscent of wooden model—lattices outside and plain inside. There are 10 perforated stone windows and screens to north side and 10 to the south side of the temple. The artists have engraved Purana scenes in ten of these later additions, and the other ten have geometric floral designs.

                                The Chennakesava temple is one of the finest examples of Hoysala architecture. It was built on the banks of the Yagachi River in Belur by king Vishnuvardhana to celebrate his victory over the Cholas at Talakad in 1117 CE. It took 103 years to complete the temple and Vishnuvardhana's grandson Veera Ballala II completed the task. As per inscriptions found here, Belur was formerly called as Velapuri. Hoysalas were initially under the control of Chalukyas and built their own kingdom after the fall of Chalukyas. The Hoysala dynasty originally had their capital at Halebid and later shifted to Belur, after it was invaded by Malik Kafur in 14th century.

                                   The temple complex consists of Chaannakeshave temple, an elaborate magnificent architectural master piece. It contains innumerable variety of ornaments, the doorways, the ceilings, the birds, the animals, dancers and other decorated figures. Channigaraya temple built similar in form to the main temple, is less elaborated and less decorated. Vasudeva Thirtha lies to the north east of the main temple. Soumyanayaki Temple, the large Mantap on the West and the Andal Shrine were put up behind the main temple were later added. There is a Garudagambha and Garuda statue facing towards Sri Channakeshava. One more attraction is the Gravity Pillar which t is about 42 ft high of single stone and it is standing on its own weight.

Hoysala court scene, with the king, queen, officers, attendants 

Vamana dwarf, Bali and Trivikrama legend

 Krishna Kalingamardana legend, Shiva on Nandi with Ganesha and Kartikeya

 Prahalada being crushed by elephant, put in a snake pit, put in burning fire, Hiranyakashipu being killed by Narasimha.

Hanuman and Garuda fighting over Shiva linga 

Krishna Playing flute and the cows in attendance, taming the elephant,killing Kamsa 

Ranganatha reclining on Sesha

Hoysala court scene, with the king, queen, officers, attendants 

fighting war

 Samudra Manthan
